Interview Questions & Info.

Hi. This is my self notes based on what I've learned from my soft skills class during Protégé programme. This is my answers as fresh graduates for a few questions that might be ask by Interviewer during interview sessions. I hope these information can be helpful.

STAR (Situation-Task-Action-Result)

Situation: In my last role as marketing assistant during internship, there was a point in time when my team was short-staffed and facing a significant backlog of work. The marketing managers were setting unrealistic deadlines, which was causing stress for my team and affecting morale.

Task: As one of team, it was my role not only to ensure my team met our deadlines but also to communicate bandwidth to other departments and keep my team motivated.

Action: To set clearer expectations, I established a formal creative request procedure that included project timetable estimates. Weekly meetings with marketing managers were set to discuss my team's bandwidth and offer progress reports. I also kept my team updated on the new procedures so they could rest assured that the problems were being addressed.

Result: I was able to re-schedule appointment with clients by offering more transparency into my team's procedures and setting better expectations with the marketing managers. I took these lessons and achieve company’s target, and as a result, I was able to reduce our average project timeframe by two days in the next quarter. I also realised how critical it is to communicate well across teams.


What Job That I Want?

I would prefer Finance Job.

I believe my skills are well-suited to this job because I’m enjoying working with numbers. I’ve willingness to learn and evolve in work. I enjoy problem-solving and analysing data, but also realize that finance is not just about the numbers, it is about the people too. I am personable and regard myself as someone that can create everlasting relationships with my clients to ensure their financial needs are met with care and attention to detail.

Working in the finance sector is something I have wanted to accomplish throughout my college degree. Using my mathematical skills and dedication in a real-world environment appeals to me a great deal, and I know I will find the outcome most rewarding.

The financial industry is so diverse, and the technological advances excite me. I want to explore how to contribute to the finance team and be vigilant when it comes to clients, economies and stock markets. Learning from the senior team members while actively doing the job is something I look forward to.


How to be great leader as a team?

Be project manager when handle College Colour Run programme, Smart PPSR programme. Handle many sponsorship to provide for every programme. Often another person’s or AJK for their own perspective and by that I can improve something for this programme to be succeed. Many leaders, though, reject suggestions from others or they surround themselves with supporters who will only give them positive feedback. 

How do you work effectively under pressure?

When I begin to feel stressed at work, I use a few strategies to help me stay focused. First, I learn to accept the situation. If I have a pressing deadline, I work to prioritize my most important tasks and get my work done. I find that being adaptable helps me handle pressure quite well. Another strategy I use is finding a positive mind-set. I try to reframe every challenge as an opportunity. This helps me stay motivated and excited to try more difficult tasks.

Disagreement when interview

During my internship, I learn on how to resolve conflict, which is my supervisor doing work different ways from mine. I had to recognize that I cannot change or control her behavior. I also acknowledged that this behavior, from both of us, was likely a result of stress due to the heavy workload of the project. Therefore, I adjusted my own communication style to increase empathy, avoid triggers and build patience with interruptions. We were able to complete the project and maintain polite correspondence whenever we needed to work together after that.

Steps for prioritize work when everything's important

  1. Have a list that contains all tasks in one.
  2. Identify what's important:
  3. Understanding your true goals.
  4.  Highlight what's urgent.
  5.  Prioritize based on importance and urgency.
  6. Avoid competing priorities.
  7.  Consider effort.
  8.   Review constantly and be realistic.

Steps for effective priorities management

  1. Understand top company objectives.
  2. Align team goals with company objectives.
  3. Standardize and score work requests.
  4. Encourage team to make time for important but not urgent work.
  5. Make course corrections.

Have you ever make a mistake and how you deal with it (More like how did you learn?)

I was a junior assistant, and my boss asked me to send a couple of internal reports to an associate. I started writing the email, and I got a phone call. I answered it and talked while I finished the email. When I clicked the Send button, I realized that I was sending the email to a customer instead! Luckily, our email system already had the option to cancel an email right after it got sent, and I used it. After that, I was much more careful with tasks that required my full attention, like sending emails.

Tools for interviewing

S – Face the person SQUARELY

O – Adopt an OPEN posture

L LEAN toward the sender

E – Maintain good EYE contact

R – Try to be RELAXED

What is Your Preferred Work Environment?

I've worked in a variety of situations and have liked acquiring new skills in each. While I don't have a particular for a specific workplace, I do enjoy working with people that are dedicated to getting things done and who are enthusiastic about their work.

Why do you want to work with us?

To be honest, I believe this company can provide me with an environment in which I can best utilise my skills. I can apply the information I've gathered over the years to make a significant difference in my desired field while also assisting this organisation in its overall growth. What more could I possibly ask for? Working in an environment where I am free to express myself and bring out the best in me is something I am looking forward to right now, as my current organisation does not provide much opportunity for freshers like myself, although it is a great place to work. And this work, in particular, is ideal for all of my requirements. I've spent a lot of time learning and improving my skills, and I believe this is the best opportunity for me to put them all to use, as the job description is precisely what I've been looking for all these years.

Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca entri ini

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